This is a page that is devoted to the women. God made you with a special purpose, you are part of His divine Creation.

* "The Bible teaches that men are superior to women." (Common Misconception)

OR These can work well with any feminists or women who are very into women’s rights etc.

Many people do not realize that the Bible actually teaches that men and women are created with equal value. The diversity that God created within His creation does not equal inferiority, and the Bible never claims that women are inferior to men.


She is a Crown

I have not finished reading this article on Biblical feminity yet, but so far it seems to be going well. I keep on planning to read this through first, but I have been so tired lately from all of what I have been doing for this ministry that I fear that it may be another year before I can even afford the time to read this through. If there is anything in here that is unbiblical, please Email me and let me know.

Great Articles for Women

Here are several articles that I have collected from the internet that I think may really appeal to women, and to the feminine heart in general. Women, I know that you are not a box or a category, and I am sorry that this part of this web site has not been as well taken care of as the section for men. In the future I will try and do better to make this more presentable.


Women 2 



Google's sponsor ads - I have almost no control over which ads appear here. Google basically rents this space out, and I get paid for the ads. God lead me to put up ads on this web site. I have done the best that I can to filter out material that will be objectionable to us as Christians, but there is only so much that I can do with Google ads. Please use discernment.