Biofuels and Alternative Energy

 Biofuels Playlist


Alternative Energy (Besides Biofuels) Playlist

There is a lot of talk these days about alternative energy, including wind, solar, etc. and it is important to understand both the costs and benefits associated with these energy alternatives. As with all things, any form of alterntive energy will have it's pros and it's cons, and in order to make an informed decision, we need to seek to highly educate ourselves about both.

The Power of Video Games

Not exactly a Biofuels playlist, but I thought that this would be relevant to the topic. Video games are being used, very surprisingly, as a means to find solutions to many of the scientific problems in the world. I thought it would be interestingly to include this playlist, and see if somebody can find a way to apply this video game scientific revolution to the field of biofuels.