Science, Reason, Faith


When I first started this website, my blog and my Newsletter were one and the same. I used this section of my website to write articles, and to share thoughts and content with my fans.

Now that GreenSlugg has grown, I still plan to write a few blog posts here and there as I go, but overall this blog page will be taking a backseat to my Email Newsletter, Medium Profile and other platforms.

This is a good thing! By using multiple platforms, I have a lot more tools to create more content, and a lot of potential to reach a a much wider audience.

For those of you who are interested, please subscribe to my Newsletter, feel free to connect with me on other platforms, and let me know what you think of my content!

I can also be found at: 

Pray for Our Nation, and for Hillary Clinton

November 9, 2016

Please pray for our nation. We need it today. And pray for Hillary's health. I voted against her (I voted more against her than for Donald Trump). But our country needs prayer, and so does she.

Abortion and Human Development

November 9, 2016
I had someone tell me a few minutes ago that a fetus does not even look human until towards the end of the third trimester. ...I was personally shocked at the lack of understanding of basic biology.

This is a picture from the NIH of a "fetus" terminated during the second trimester.

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Top 10 Male "Privileges"

November 9, 2016
This needs to be seen.

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November 9, 2016
The election is over. Please keep praying for our country. The God of Israel is the only God who can help us.

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Pray for This Country!

November 8, 2016
For those of you who are Christians. Let's all go and pray for this country. I voted today, but a prayer is worth more than a vote.

I've spent enough time arguing with people over politics on the Internet today.

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Skeptic VS Skeptic

November 8, 2016
Definitely a find! Bart Ehrman VS the ultra-fringe historian Richard Carrier. Get out your sodas and your popcorn!

Carrier is one of a very very very few ultra-fringe historians who denies that Jesus existed. His arguments make absolutely no sense, rationally speaking. But he is becoming popular in uneducated Atheist circles.

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Male Emotion

November 8, 2016
Before you start talking about male privilege... realize that we go through a lot, just like women do. But we usually don't have a safe outlet.


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Democrats. Stop calling everyone who disagrees with you "racists"!

November 8, 2016
Democrats. Stop calling everyone who disagrees with you "racists"! You just make yourselves sound like children when you do so. Your party fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and pushed for segregation. To this day, Democrats are the ones who oppose school choice, forcing poor black families to send their kids to failing Democrat-run schools.

Learn to be peaceable with other people, stop calling people names, and learn to think and argue with logic, instead of solely with emotion.

Not everyone...

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Star Wars Trump VS Hillary Meme

November 4, 2016

This election be like: Darth Vader or space Yeti?
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Did Jesus Exist Meme

November 2, 2016
A quote floating around the interwebs:

"In the entire first Christian century Jesus is not mentioned by a single Greek or Roman historian, religion scholar, politician, philosopher, or poet. His name never occurs in a single inscription, and it is never found in a single piece of private correspondence. Zero! Zip references!"

This is a quote from Bart Ehrman, but is grossly out of context. This quote is also problematic, because there are First Century historians who mentioned Jesus, but that's...
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