Science, Reason, Faith


When I first started this website, my blog and my Newsletter were one and the same. I used this section of my website to write articles, and to share thoughts and content with my fans.

Now that GreenSlugg has grown, I still plan to write a few blog posts here and there as I go, but overall this blog page will be taking a backseat to my Email Newsletter, Medium Profile and other platforms.

This is a good thing! By using multiple platforms, I have a lot more tools to create more content, and a lot of potential to reach a a much wider audience.

For those of you who are interested, please subscribe to my Newsletter, feel free to connect with me on other platforms, and let me know what you think of my content!

I can also be found at: 


August 29, 2010
    A friend of mine, Stevie, recently passed away. He had a motorcycle accident. Death is the enemy of God an the enemy of Man. This is what the Bible teaches. Death is not a good thing that was there in the beginning, it is an intrusion into God's Creation. Because I believe the Bible, and what it says, I know that one day I will see me friend physically resurrected from the dead, and I will be in paradise with him.

    If it were not for this particular friend, I would not be the man I am today. One day at Church I was standing there wondering if the other guys in the youth group really viewed me as being one of them or if I was this outsider who was a burden to them. As I was thinking this, Stevie came over and tackled me. Of course it would seem strange to a genderless being watching this from a third person perspective that we (guys) would consider tackling each other to be affectionate. Of course humanity is spiritually divided into male and female (Genesis 1), and the degenderizing movement is a bunch of Liberal nonsense. But for those of us who live in reality, men tackling each other is often very affectionate. Because of this friend stepping out and tackling me, I started down a path that lead me into the Christian Faith - the Only Faith that can save anyone.

    It seems like this summer has had a lot of people that are close to me loosing loved ones. For those of us who are sanctified in the Lord Jesus Christ, death is only temporary. Since we are members of Christ, we will be both Spiritually and physically raised from the dead. Death will have no power.



Ravi Zacharias

August 25, 2010

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The Gospel In Contemporary Culture (Alistair Begg 1998)

August 24, 2010

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Islam and Christianity Q and A

August 21, 2010

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Another Dream Shattered

August 21, 2010

Finally, someone 
has managed to photograph the  
pot at the end of the rainbow!!!
Wouldn't you know it!

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Some Islam Videos

August 12, 2010
Once you start the short Part 1 of the top playlist, you will want to see the whole thing.
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Video Games

August 9, 2010
What good games are available for Christians?

I think that this is a proper question to ask. I have recently played several video games, and found some to be quite positive and even fruitful. I have also played games in past years that I could not believe were even legal. On one hand, Sim City 3000 was quite interesting and gave me a lot of thinking to do about civil planning, and government. On the other hand I played a Grand Theft Auto game (I had no idea it would be that bad). In Grand Thef...
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Brothers in Arms fighting for Purity

August 2, 2010

    This is a topic that many in the Church se...

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Amazing Bible Study

June 17, 2010

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The Church Gossip

June 17, 2010

(See also Matthew 18 on gossip. Pay special attention to verse 15.)

The Church Gossip

Sarah, the church gossip and self-appointed supervisor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business. Several residents were unappreciative of her activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence.

She made a mistake, however, in accusing new-member George after she saw his pickup truck parked all afternoon in front of the town's only bar. Said Sarah, "Everyone ...

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