Science, Reason, Faith


When I first started this website, my blog and my Newsletter were one and the same. I used this section of my website to write articles, and to share thoughts and content with my fans.

Now that GreenSlugg has grown, I still plan to write a few blog posts here and there as I go, but overall this blog page will be taking a backseat to my Email Newsletter, Medium Profile and other platforms.

This is a good thing! By using multiple platforms, I have a lot more tools to create more content, and a lot of potential to reach a a much wider audience.

For those of you who are interested, please subscribe to my Newsletter, feel free to connect with me on other platforms, and let me know what you think of my content!

I can also be found at: 

Here I am to Worship sung by Susan Yu

May 25, 2011

Her web site is

Rob Bell denies Hell 2

April 17, 2011
Obviously Rob Bell has denied the Gospel. I wanted to make a second note about this that I did not write about yesterday, but meant to.

  3Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one (F)is born again he cannot see (G)the kingdom of God."

John 3:3 (NASB)
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Rob Bell denies Hell

April 17, 2011
Please, everyone pray for this man, that he finds salvation.

Rob Bell is openly denying the Gospel, denying the need for Jesus, and denying the reality of an eternal burning Hell.

There is one thing that is really important to note here. Christians have denied sin, as taught in the Bible. We have far too long denied that it is sin that brought death into a perfect World, because we wanted to make ourselves look more intellectual by compromising with Evolutionary ideas, and with an Old Earth (fi...

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The Coming Persecution - Paul Washer

April 3, 2011

Paul Washer addresses concerns about the possibility of a coming persecution of the Church, and talks about the privilege of being able to be a light in a perverse and dark generation.

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Verses on books

March 19, 2011
  • I found some scripture on books for students. I think that this would be something good to share with college students who are just overworked. (Like me tonight). The first Psalm on here was amazing. I read the entire chapter in addition to the verse here.

  • GreenSlugg Muse Psalm 40:7 (King James Version)

    7Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,
    6 minutes ago ยท 
  • GreenSlugg Muse Psalm 56:8 (King James Version)

    8Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bo...

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Some Truths I Have Learnt In 50 Years by Zac Poonen

January 1, 2011

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January 1, 2011

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January 1, 2011
After I told my friend that God saved me from deep sin, and is using me inspite of my sin, she responded with this

He saved us all from sin bro! Praise God that He is using you!! no one is more or less worthy to be used. you know that. we are as worthy to be used as the martyr that is dieing today for God's cause. we are also as worthy to be used as the person who got saved out of a life condemned to hell 2 seconds ago (God willing there was someone). We need to be humble. but the question doe...
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October 18, 2010

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Tenth Avenue North - "Strong Enough To Save" Video Journal

September 7, 2010

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