Science, Reason, Faith


When I first started this website, my blog and my Newsletter were one and the same. I used this section of my website to write articles, and to share thoughts and content with my fans.

Now that GreenSlugg has grown, I still plan to write a few blog posts here and there as I go, but overall this blog page will be taking a backseat to my Email Newsletter, Medium Profile and other platforms.

This is a good thing! By using multiple platforms, I have a lot more tools to create more content, and a lot of potential to reach a a much wider audience.

For those of you who are interested, please subscribe to my Newsletter, feel free to connect with me on other platforms, and let me know what you think of my content!

I can also be found at: 

An Open Letter to Black Lives Matter

August 22, 2016
[Background: In response to Intervarsity Christian Fellowship's support of Black Lives Matter, I sent this Email to an official Black Lives Matter Email address as of a few minutes ago. I doubt they will contact me back, because who am I that they would contact me? But we will see what happens.]

I have a request for Alicia Garza. My name is Greg. I am the son of a retired military police officer. Alicia Garza has said several times that BLM does not condone violence against the police, but then there have been multiple, multiple Black Lives Matter protests put on by official Black Lives Matter leaders where the crowds are chanting "What do we want? Dead cops!" or "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!"

Yes, I have seen Ms. Garza say on multiple occasions that BLM does not support violence, but compared to everything else that BLM does it's so passive. To be honest, it seems to me that BLM is screaming for the death of police on one hand and whimpering that it doesn't support violence on the other.

I can say from experience that most cops are good cops.

My request is this: I would ask that Ms Garza speak out against the anti-police violence, and against the calls for violence. She has so much passion, and she could easily get on TV and call for respect for the police, and people would listen. She could help to build bridges, rather than burning them.

I would also ask that BLM stop misrepresenting the facts in so many of these cases. Every time a black suspect is killed, BLM screams "racism" regardless of the circumstances. It doesn't matter if a black cop kills a black suspect in self-defense, BLM still screams "racism".

And it is getting very old.

We can all come together to help both the black community and police officers without crying "wolf". We can build bridges between police and black communities, and we can create a civil, and productive dialogue about the need for justice for African Americans in this country without demonizing or alienating white americans, and the police.

Thank you for taking the time to read my Email,

Founder of

IVCF Leader Justifying Anti-police Violence

August 20, 2016
Just read an article by a guy who works for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship justifying the murder of police officers. (Yes I have direct quotes. Keep reading.)

This guy goes on and on about how black people are targeted by police, and says that every single person who ever says that "Blue Lives Matter" is a racist who doesn't care about black people.

"When you say Blue Lives Matter you’re saying that Black Lives don’t because no one says Blue Lives Matter unless you’re shouting down peo...

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New Website in the Making

August 11, 2016
I am currently in the process of building a new website designed for high school students. What I have right now is a very rough draft, and as of today only includes a history section (which I will break up into two history sections).

Here is the link to the temporary domain:

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Hey Democrats

August 1, 2016
Hey Democrats, I am watching clips from the convention. Yes I have a registered disability. No, I don't care about your pandering.

If you want to personally help me to find a job where I can chase after my dreams, great!

If you want me to be a part of the next pet group that you feel sorry for, I'm not interested. Move out of my way, move on, and give the welfare money back to my potential employers.

I'm sure there's a cross eyed puppy that is interested in listening to what you've got to say.

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Black Lives Matter

July 23, 2016
I am creating a playlist calling out Black Lives Matter.

This is the most powerful video I've seen on this!

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Creative Writing Playlist

December 7, 2015

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Gun Rights

December 7, 2015
I am not entirely sure where to put this playlist just yet. For right now, I am going to leave this here.

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Before God Comes Through

August 8, 2015
I am watching a Moses movie at the moment. It occurs to me that in the Bible, Moses relayed to Pharaoh that God said to let His people go. Pharaoh then increased the labor on the Hebrew people.

Things got worse, before they got better. God allowed Pharaoh to seemingly have power over His people, before He came in and performed miracles to set His people free.
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Gun Violence and "Rape Culture"

August 3, 2015
I recently saw a post of a picture on FaceBook questioning a Southern Farmer's decision to teach his teenage daughters how to shoot. 

This is normal. This was completely normal a generation ago. This is a good father teaching his kids, his girls, to defend themselves.

To not allow a girl to learn how to shoot and defend herself is rape culture.

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A New Playlist

July 29, 2015
I started a new playlist today called "Terraform Earth" it will contain videos about how we can help to heal the planet, grow more food, and not just conserve, but spread the natural and beautiful ecology that God has created.

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