Science, Reason, Faith


When I first started this website, my blog and my Newsletter were one and the same. I used this section of my website to write articles, and to share thoughts and content with my fans.

Now that GreenSlugg has grown, I still plan to write a few blog posts here and there as I go, but overall this blog page will be taking a backseat to my Email Newsletter, Medium Profile and other platforms.

This is a good thing! By using multiple platforms, I have a lot more tools to create more content, and a lot of potential to reach a a much wider audience.

For those of you who are interested, please subscribe to my Newsletter, feel free to connect with me on other platforms, and let me know what you think of my content!

I can also be found at: 

Browsing Archive: September, 2012

A Deep Unbroken Promise (Poem)

Posted by GreenSlugg Muse on Monday, September 17, 2012,
I wrote this poem for one of my classes. This is a rough draft. Many of your know that I am working on a Novel right now, so I wanted to share a piece of my writing so that people could have a bit of an appetizer of things to come. This 



A Deep, Unbroken Promise

My body is aged beyond my years. In days of old, a man of even one hundred years was still considered young, but I am old.

My hips ache in pain just from getting out of bed. My eyes can see across the street, but not beyond that ho...

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